Hello! Everyone I'm Nitin kushwaha 

Welcome to my blog page, Here I'm just trying to tell about my journey in a European country 

So actually this journey starts from march 2021, I was traveling in South India during Covid-19 because I was so tried to stay at home, and really 2021 is the best year ever for me but I know many of you don't like this year because some of you lose your family member, friends, some relatives.

But for me, 2020 was a life-changing year  I never thought that I was traveled to a European country at this age (20). ya, it was so quiet young age to travel.

So I'm a student in  the LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY 2020 batch in BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (CSE), so as I told you that I was traveling and I normally open my LPU touch application on my mobile phone where I saw that there was an announcement about study Abroad (semester exchange program) and that time I was really very happy 

At that moment I decided to go Abroad for my study as well as explore that world!

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